HEASoft singularity container
HEASoft is a unified release of the FTOOLS and XANADU Software Packages. This document describes how to use a singularity container with EASoft on the HPC cluster at Fysikum.
HEASoft references:
An overview how to use singularity in a cluster environment:
Using existng container
The HEASoft singularity container is in
A singularity shell can be started sourcing
Here is an example usage:
user@sol-login:~$ source /cfs/home/sw/heasoft/init.sh
user@heasoft:~$ fversion
user@heasoft:~$ fhelp heatools
List of heatools tasks
ftappend - Append a copy of an HDU from one file onto another file
user@heasoft:~$ exit
The init.sh
script will load singularity module and then execute
a bash shell using the initial /home/heasoft/.bashrc
The contents of init.sh
module load singularity
LC_ALL=C singularity exec --hostname heasoft \
/cfs/home/sw/heasoft/heasoft-v6.29c.sif \
bash --rcfile /home/heasoft/.bashrc
Building singularity container from scratch
One can build own version of the HEASoft singularity container using the following procedure.
The procedure must be executed with root privileges on a local client computer. The required packages are docker and singularity
The first step is to build a docker container following the instructions on https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/lheasoft/docker.html:
mkdir heasoft
cd heasoft
wget https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/software/lheasoft/release/heasoft-6.29docker0.6.tar
tar xvf heasoft-6.29docker0.6.tar
Depending on the computer speed, the build process can take 3 or more hours. To test the newly build HEASoft docker container, execute:
docker run --rm -it heasoft:v6.29 bash
Next, we export the docker image to tar. First we list the images to find out the image name, then we save the image as a tarball.
docker images
docker save 78cafdfca446 -o heasoft-v6.29c-docker.tar
Finally, we convert the docker tarball to singularity sif-file (which can be used on the cluster).
singularity build heasoft-v6.29c.sif \
The sif file can be now transferred to and used on the cluster.
Customizing existing container
To customize an existing singularity container
(e.g., to install additional software in it),
one first needs to unpack the container into a sandbox,
modify the sandbox and then build .sif
file from the sandbox.
Note that the sandbox is ~8 GiB in size while the sif file is ~4 GiB.
The procedure must be executed with root privileges on a local client computer. The required package is singularity.
First, we build a sandbox from the sif file.
singularity build --sandbox heasoft-sandbox heasot-v6.29c.sif
Then we execute a shell in the sandbox and customize it.
The option -w
indicates that the sandbox is writable
(by default it is readonly).
Note that the HEASoft container is based on Ubuntu.
singularity shell -w heasoft-sandbox
apt update
apt install my-software
Finally, we build a sif file from the sandbox.
singularity build my-heasoft.sif heasoft-sandbox
The singularity container my-heasoft.sif
can be now transferred to
and used on the cluster.